Tag: Rating: 3.5

[Red Door Escape Room]
Foxboro, MA

In the wilds of a dystopian future, bandits seek to torment anyone they find. A utopia exists, but the rescue transmitter is down. Your team has been sent to bring it back online and save the survivors. You’ve only got 45 minutes before your helicopter returns. If you’re caught, a dire fate awaits you. Be quick and stay quiet; your mission depends on it!

The Kidnapping 2: Afraid of the Dark
Woburn, MA

Are you scared of the dark? This kidnapping starts in complete darkness. And when the dim lights finally come on, you find yourself in a room covered in padded walls, Rorschach posters, and pill bottles. Time is ticking. Can you make it out before the captor comes back? PLEASE NOTE: In Kidnapping 2 players are blindfolded and the game begins in total darkness without any light sources. A portion of the room will be solved by using senses other than sight.

Weird Science
[Escape at the Shore]
Northfield, NJ

Appolo Trimitheus was on the verge of a huge discovery! There is only one problem with Appolo. He is extremely absent minded and very paranoid. We believe this genuis Alchemist has indeed discovered an elixir that will grant the person who drinks it, everlasting life! During the process of creating the elixir, Appolo went mad and only repeats one thing over and over again from his padded cell. “Pick it up, search for it and unwind it, it doesn’t matter you’ll still never find it!”