Tag: Rating: 4.5

Heart of Bastet
[Lara’s Labyrinth]
Wethersfield, CT

Egypt has reawakened ! Deep inside the Pyramid of Giza, an ancient shrine dedicated to the Egyptian Goddess Bastet has been unearthed by your team. You have been obsessed with the story, The Heart of Bastet, ever since your grandfather whispered it to you at night while putting you to sleep. He disappeared years ago at the exact same site. Was it sabotage ? Did he just run out of air ? Or could more sinister forces be to blame ?

Neighborhood Watch
[The Escape Ventures]
Orlando, FL

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, at least that’s what the leader of Clearview Community’s Neighborhood Watch reassures their residents! With an invitation to the Watch leader’s home with promises of fun and games, it’s the perfect setting to keep young minds distracted as parents spend the night out searching for a missing neighborhood kid. Is this just another child running away from home or could it be the latest in the case of the Clearview Catcher?

Falderon Forest
[Sauve Qui Peut]
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC

In the heart of the enchanted forest of the Kingdom of Falderon was a magical well. A well with magic so powerful that it alone was the source of the entire forest and its creatures. In order to produce all this magic, a ritual had to be completed every 100th full moon. Unfortunately, the gnome in charge of protecting this well and completing this ritual was nowhere to be found. If this ritual is not done in time, the magic will cease to exist in Falderon. The Queen therefore asked to assemble a team consisting of the 4 ancient powers: a Sorcerer and his magic wand, a Fortune Teller with his crystal ball, an Apothecary and his grimoire and finally a Knight with his heroic sword. Only with their logic and the union of their four powers can they find the well and complete the ritual before the full moon disappears!

Rain Corp.
Laval, QC

Rain Corp is a multinational conglomerate involved in all modern industries.
A leader in advanced robotics, Rain Corp is working “for a better future”.
The company has developed revolutionary new military applications at the request of the world’s greatest powers.
However, fearing that this might threaten international security, provisions aimed at countering Rain Corp have just been voted on in the NATO council.
However, the company itself seems to have lost control over its research.
Humanity may already no longer be in control of its future …

Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen
Laval, QC

The Admiral has given you direct orders to gather a crew to go in search of the Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen. Finding the right sailors might not be so easy as nobody has lived to tell about such an island or if it actually exists. If you find it, you shall seek and gather the knowledge to what is known as “eternal loneliness” from the Voodoo Queen; something the Admiral greatly seeks but for which you do not know the meaning of.