Author: The Lock Quest Monster

The Blizzard
Farmington, CT

You and your team of researchers are following the footsteps of a ground-breaking duo that made a remarkable discovery years ago. Your team is hoping to locate the area and the evidence, which will help to continue the initial study. During your trek to the research position a blizzard forms in the distance….. can you find the things you need to survive and continue your research before the storm arrives?

The Mall
Farmington, CT

You’ve been shopping at the Complex City Mall all day. It’s almost time for your dinner reservation so you start heading for your car. As you are leaving, you discover you’ve left behind a few of your belongings (including your keys and wallet!) and the stores are closed for the night. Can you find your things and a way to get into the locked parking garage with enough time to make your dinner reservation?

Forest of Fortune
[RI Riddle Room]
Warwick, RI

You receive a picture message and location from your friend Justin who hasn’t been heard from in weeks. Justin is somewhere in the woods of western RI standing in-front of a enormous pile of treasure. With his phone now going to voicemail, you and your friends decide to enter the forest in search of Justin and this unbelievable treasure. What will you find in the forest; failure or fortune?